Product availability may vary according to country-specific assortments.


Fin rot and fin damage (as though the fins have been “nibbled”), frayed fins, whitish fin edges, dull mucous membranes and eyes, skin reddening and inflammation, open wounds. 
Disease: Bacterial infections and wounds.

Possible causes

Pathogens introduced when a new stock of fish is added, poorly conditioned water, stressed fish, poor living conditions, combination of incompatible fish species, damage caused by bites or secondary infections from parasitic infestations.

Immediate action required

Carry out a major partial water change, check the water quality parameters and improve the living conditions. Use Tetra Medica GeneralTonic Plus*.


Small white spots covering the fish skin and fins.
Disease: White spot, also referred to as Ichthyo, caused by the single-celled ciliate Ichthyophthyrius multifiliis.

Dull mucous membranes, laboured breathing, rubbing up against plants and equipment, fin lock, withdrawn fish, distorted swimming, loss of appetite.
Disease: Often caused by single-celled ectopara-sites, such as the ciliates Chilodonella, Trichodina and Tetrahymena or the flagellate Costia. In cases of severe infestation, areas of the fish skin will be red and inflamed.

Possible causes

  • Nearly always caused by adding a new stock of fish.

  • This can occur when a new stock of fish is added or it could be caused by a dormant infestation with an outbreak of parasites in tanks with poorly conditioned and/or stressed fish. This may be due to poor living conditions, combining incompatible fish species or poor diet.

Immediate action required

Carry out a partial water change immediately and add Tetra Medica ContraIck Plus* to the water. Check the water quality parameters, improve the living conditions and combine compatible fish. Observe the parasite’s life cycle. The treatment may be repeated several times in tanks that are infested with white spot disease.


Cotton-wool-like growths on the body of the fish.
Disease: Fungal infection, caused for example by Saprolegnia or Achlya moulds.

Possible causes

This can occur as a secondary infection following external injuries, parasitic infestations or bacterial infections, particularly in tanks with poor water conditions and weak fish.

Immediate action required

Carry out a partial water change immediately and add Tetra Medica FungiStop Plus*. Check the water quality parameters and improve the living conditions.


Rather generic at first, for example the fish may become withdrawn or there may be a change in their colour (particularly a darkening of the skin in discus fish). They will often produce slimy, gel-like faeces and lose weight. In the advanced stages of the disease, holes and crater like cavities start to develop around the head (“hole in the head disease”).
Disease: Endoparasitic flagellates such as Hexamita, Octomitus and Spironucleus. Hole in the head can also be a general sign of deficiencies or caused by bacterial infections.

Possible causes

This can occur when a new stock of fish is added or could be caused by a dormant infestation with an outbreak of parasites, especially in tanks with poorly conditioned water and/or stressed fish. This is common with discus fish in the case of unsuitable living conditions and when combining incompatible fish of the same species (social stress).

Immediate action required

Carry out a partial water change and add Tetra Medica HexaEx, Active Ingredient: 2-Amino-5-nitrothiazol. Improve the living conditions and combine compatible fish.


In the case of worm infestations; fish start to drastically lose weight despite continuing to eat normally and sometimes even showing signs of gluttony. Ectoparasitic carp lice and anchor worms can be clearly seen on the fish skin.
Disease: Endoparasitic worms such as nematodes (e.g. hair worm – Capillaria and thread worms – Oxyurida), cestodes (tapeworms) and small parasitic crustaceans found on fish skin, such as carp lice (Argulus) and anchor worms (Lernaea). 

Rapid or distorted breathing, suffocating, rubbing up against tank equipment, excessive mucus production, dull and cloudy mucous membranes and sometimes skin reddening and inflammation.
Disease: Ectoparasitic monogenetic trematodes (known as skin and gill worms), such as those from the Gyrodactylus and Dactylogyrus species.

Possible causes

Pathogens introduced when a new stock of fish is added, poorly conditioned water, stressed fish, poor living conditions, combination of incompatible fish species, damage caused by bites or secondary infections from parasitic infestations. 

These can be introduced when adding a new stock of fish or caused by a dormant infestation with an outbreak of parasites, mainly in tanks with poorly conditioned and/or stressed fish. 

Immediate action required

Carry out a partial water change, thoroughly clean the substrate, add Tetra Medica TremaCestoNemaEx*, Active ingredient: Diflubenzuron. Generally improve the living conditions. Thoroughly clean the substrate and the filter.

GeneralTonic Plus

Multi-purpose remedy designed to treat the most common freshwater ornamental fish diseases. Helps with bacterial infections and ectoparasitic diseases such as Costia or freshwater Oodinium.


ContraIck Plus

Remedy designed to treat white spot disease (Ichthyo) in freshwater ornamental fish. Also helps treat other skin and gill parasites such as Trichodina and Chilodonella.


FungiStop Plus

Remedy designed to treat fungal infections and spawn fungus in freshwater ornamental fish. Also helps to treat external bacterial infections and mouth decay.



Active Ingredient: 2-Amino-5-nitrothiazol

Remedy for endoparasitic flagellates such as Hexamita and Spironucleus, which are commonly found in the intestines of American cichlids. The advanced stages of the disease can lead to “hole in the head disease”.



Active ingredient: Diflubenzuron

Remedy designed to treat worm infestations in freshwater ornamental fish. Helps, for example, with cases of skin or gill worms such as Gyrodactylus and Dactylogyrus.



Fin rot and fin damage (as though the fins have been “nibbled”), frayed fins, whitish fin edges, dull mucous membranes and eyes, skin reddening and inflammation and wounds.
Disease: Bacterial infections and wounds.

Small white spots covering the fish skin and fins.
Disease: White spot, also referred to as Ichthyo, caused by the single- celled ciliate Ichthyophthirius multifiliis.

Dull mucous membranes, laboured breathing, rubbing up against plants and equipment, fin lock, withdrawn fish, distorted swimming and loss of appetite.
Disease: Often caused by single-celled ectoparasites, such as the ciliates Chilodonella, Trichodina and Tetrahymena or the flagellate Costia. In cases of severe infestation, areas of the fish skin will be red and inflamed. If infested with Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (see above), they will also develop small white spots on their skin and fins.

Cotton-wool-like growths on the fish body.
Disease: Fungal infection, caused for example by Saprolegnia or Achlya moulds.

Possible causes

Pathogens introduced when a new stock of fish is added. Poorly conditioned, stressed fish. Poor living conditions. Combination of incompatible fish species. Damage caused by bites or secondary infections from parasitic infestations. 

Nearly always introduced when adding a new stock of fish. 

Can be introduced when adding a new stock of fish or caused by a dormant infestation with an outbreak of parasites in tanks with poorly conditioned and/or stressed fish. This may be due to poor living conditions, combining incompatible fish species or poor diet. 

Can occur as a secondary infection following external injuries, parasitic infestations or bacterial infections, particularly in tanks with poor water conditions and weak fish. 

Immediate action required

Carry out a partial water change and add Tetra Goldfish GoldMed. Check the water quality parameters and improve the living conditions. In case of Ichthyo: Observe the life cycle of the parasite. The treatment may be repeated several times in tanks that are infested with white spot disease.

Goldfish GoldMed

Multi-purpose remedy designed to treat the most common coldwater ornamental fish diseases. Helps to treat white spot disease, skin and gill parasites, fin rot, fungal infections and wounds.