Tetra Pond vízstabilizáló

Gyorsan és megbízhatóan stabilizálja a kerti tavak fontos vízértékeit, és megakadályozza, hogy túl lágy legyen a víz.

  • Védekezzen az algásodás ellen
  • Tavasz
  • Nyár
  • Ősz
  • Tiszta víz
  • Stabilizálja a vízértékeket
  • Növelje a karbonkeménységet

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1,2 kg

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Keressen egy közeli áruházat


Növeli a karbonkeménységet (KH) és megakadályozza, hogy a víz túl lágy legyen

Stabilizálja a víz pH-szintjét, megelőzi a halpusztulást

Az egészséges vízhez elengedhetetlen a stabil KH- és pH-szint

Gyorsan feloldódik, nem felhősíti be a vizet és azonnal hat

Recommended for the safe use of anti-algae products

További információk

Tetra Pond WaterStabiliser balances out the natural, continual carbonate hardness (KH) reduction in pond water to prevent excessive soft water. This also stabilises the crucial pH value to prevent potential fish losses. The KH level can particularly drop after prolonged spells of rainfall or due to natural decomposition processes. Rain water does not contain carbonate hardness but can contain acids, which also destroy the KH in the pond. The KH level is also reduced by natural decomposition processes in the garden pond. The decomposition of nitrogenous residue such as fish waste, leaves and other organic waste – known as nitrification – also releases acids that continuously reduce the carbonate hardness of the pond water. This can quickly put the fish in danger: the lower the KH level, the more the pH value of the water will fluctuate. Tetra Pond WaterStabiliser prevents these problems: stable KH and pH levels are a fundamental prerequisite for healthy water and for the well-being of the fish and all other garden pond inhabitants. Stable water values are also often a prerequisite for the use of other pond care products. Tetra Pond WaterStabiliser creates the ideal basis to safely use algaecides like Tetra Pond AlgoRem* and medicines like Tetra Pond MediFin. The pond water should be hardened before each use of these products. Before using Tetra Pond AlgoRem*, you should make sure that the carbonate hardness of the water is at least 6° dH (German degree of hardness). The product has other benefits too: it dissolves and is distributed quickly through the garden pond, does not cloud the water and works immediately. Increasing the carbonate hardness reduces the toxicity of harmful substances. It is also safe and easy to use and cannot be overdosed.* Use algaecides safely. Always read the label and product information before use.

Továbbiak olvasása

Tetra Pond vízstabilizáló

Gyorsan és megbízhatóan stabilizálja a kerti tavak fontos vízértékeit, és megakadályozza, hogy túl lágy legyen a víz.

Védekezzen az algásodás ellen
Tiszta víz
Stabilizálja a vízértékeket
Növelje a karbonkeménységet

Elérhető méretek

1,2 kg

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Keressen egy közeli áruházat


Növeli a karbonkeménységet (KH) és megakadályozza, hogy a víz túl lágy legyen

Stabilizálja a víz pH-szintjét, megelőzi a halpusztulást

Az egészséges vízhez elengedhetetlen a stabil KH- és pH-szint

Gyorsan feloldódik, nem felhősíti be a vizet és azonnal hat

Recommended for the safe use of anti-algae products

További információk

Tetra Pond WaterStabiliser balances out the natural, continual carbonate hardness (KH) reduction in pond water to prevent excessive soft water. This also stabilises the crucial pH value to prevent potential fish losses. The KH level can particularly drop after prolonged spells of rainfall or due to natural decomposition processes. Rain water does not contain carbonate hardness but can contain acids, which also destroy the KH in the pond. The KH level is also reduced by natural decomposition processes in the garden pond. The decomposition of nitrogenous residue such as fish waste, leaves and other organic waste – known as nitrification – also releases acids that continuously reduce the carbonate hardness of the pond water. This can quickly put the fish in danger: the lower the KH level, the more the pH value of the water will fluctuate. Tetra Pond WaterStabiliser prevents these problems: stable KH and pH levels are a fundamental prerequisite for healthy water and for the well-being of the fish and all other garden pond inhabitants. Stable water values are also often a prerequisite for the use of other pond care products. Tetra Pond WaterStabiliser creates the ideal basis to safely use algaecides like Tetra Pond AlgoRem* and medicines like Tetra Pond MediFin. The pond water should be hardened before each use of these products. Before using Tetra Pond AlgoRem*, you should make sure that the carbonate hardness of the water is at least 6° dH (German degree of hardness). The product has other benefits too: it dissolves and is distributed quickly through the garden pond, does not cloud the water and works immediately. Increasing the carbonate hardness reduces the toxicity of harmful substances. It is also safe and easy to use and cannot be overdosed.* Use algaecides safely. Always read the label and product information before use.

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